Tuesday, February 19, 2019

1. School: General Information and Academic Administration

1.1 School Profile

Ateneo de Naga Grade School was located in Pacol, Camarines Sur Province. Ateneo dw Naga University Grade School was beginning June 2014. On June 4, 2014 it opened its doors in Pacol to six classes of grades 1, 2 ang 3 pupils. It also has a satellite branch of the Ateneo Child Learning Center (ACLC) for pre-school children in the vacinity.

Contact of Ateneo de Naga Grade School

Grade School Landline: (054) 473 - 7952)
Fax No.: (63 54) 473 - 9253
E-mail: miss.support@gbox.adnu.edu.ph

The Ateneo de Naga Grade School Mission and Vision
The Ateneo de Naga Grade School Mission and Vision

The Vision
The Ateneo de Naga GradeSchool is a Catholic and Jesuit institutionthet forms young men and women for others who will love and serve Bicon and country through excellent instruction, Ignatian formation, competent and nurturing pedagogues, and state of the art facilities.

The Mission
  1. The Grade School of the Ateneo de Naga University is committed to the integral formation of its pupils. 
  2. As a Filipino school, it forms children who love Bicol and country and take pride in their culture and heritage.
  3. As a Catholic school, it nurtures in the children the desire to know and follow Christ and be faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
  4. As a Jesuit school, it is committed to provide children experiences that are inspired by Ignatian tradition of excellence, values and spirituality.

Goals of an Ateneo de Naga Grade School Education
  1. To lead the student to recognize that God loves each of them distinctly in and through their life circumstances as well as in their gifts, talents, and abilities of body, mind, heart, and spirit.
  2.  To develop in them a love for learning, a healthy self-discipline, and a passion for excellence.
  3. To imbibe in them sensitivity for the needs of others, compassion for the suffering around them, and a strong bent to do what they can to make life better for those who have less in life.
  4. To inculcate in them a spirit of discernment which shall enable them to think and act in ways that propagate the works of justice and mercy in the world.  
Grade School Organization
  • Principal: The Grade School Principal manages the operations of the Grade School. The Grade School Principal reports to the Academic Vice President.
  • School Registrar: The School Registrar takes charge in formulating/drafting forms; keeping, profiling, submitting and retrieving academic records of pupils pertinent to enrolment, performance (including attendance, promotion or retention, awards, etc.); developing Directory of Pupils; serving as Liaison Officer between AGS and DepEd and other agencies.
  • Chaplain: The Chaplain manages the implementation of the spiritual and religious activities of the school. He reports to the Grade School Principal.
  • Librarian: The Librarian manages all operations that involve the librarian.
  • Guidance Counselor: The Guidance Counselor helps the administration take charge of the school programs that promote the welfare and development of students.
  • Classroom Advisers: The Classroom Advisers serve as the pupils’ parents in school. They have direct and immediate responsibility over the class assigned to them for the entire school year. They assist the pupils in their studies and establish and maintain discipline in class.
  • Subject Teachers: The Subject Teachers facilitate the pupils’ acquisition of knowledge, skills and values as they provide meaningful and enjoyable learning experiences aided by the widest possible range of resources for learning.
  • Relief/Substitute Teacher: The Relief or Substitute Teacher serves as the substitute teacher and/or the proctor during the times a teacher is absent due to unavoidable circumstances. He/she takes the role of an Office Staff/Assistant when no teacher is absent.
  • Administrative Assistant: The Principal’s Administrative Assistant performs office-related works, assists in the efficient delivery of different school operations such as taking and keeping minutes of meetings, receiving and filing communications, faculty records and employments concerns; acts as Supplies Officer and Custodian and other functions given by the Principal
  • School Nurse: The School Nurse attends to the medical needs of the students and the necessary measures to ensure the students' well-being.
  • Teacher Assistants: The Teacher Assistants help in classroom management and preparation of instructional materials, and assist the pupils in their personal needs.

1.2 Academic Support System

Knight of Christ: It aims to help the students to acquire a deeper knowledge and understanding of their Christian faith; guides them in the practice of their faith through liturgical and para-liturgical services; and teaches them to follow Christ life of loving service to others.

Publications/English Club: It aims to help the students to develop their writing skills, particularly in news and feature writing, and in doing other aspects of journalistic work such as editing, proofreading and lay outing. It also aims to develop in them self- satisfaction for they can experience having their work published and appreciated by others.

Children’s Theater (GLEE) Club: It allows the students to experience the wonderful world of theatre as they are trained to act, sing and dance and showcase these talents through a school play.

Sports Club: It provides the students opportunity to learn fundamentals of a sport; sharpen their skills in the game they are playing; and develops the spirit of sportsmanship.

Science and Technology Club: It aims to help the students to appreciate the wonders of Mother Nature and Technology by exploring, discovering, and investigating. It also aims to develop in them the love and care for the environment.

Scouting: It aims to help the students to develop good character, physical fitness, civic-consciousness and citizenship and skills necessary for handling emergency situations. Through these, students learn the crafts and skills through outdoor and camping activities and learn to be of service to others.

Arts and Crafts Club: This aims to help students develop their creativity and artistic skills in using recycled materials and other materials by using them in the fashioning of models and other artistic outputs.

Math Club: This gives opportunity for students to learn mathematics in a more relaxed atmosphere. Math and problems solving concepts and skills are developed through games, puzzles, riddles, simulation, manipulatives and models. It also allows members to be exposed to various technologies from abacus, calculators to internets.

1.3 Teaching System

The Ateneo Grade School Department adapts the K to 12 Grading System. Assessments come in two types, formative and summativeFormative assessment may be seen as assessment for learning so teachers can make adjustments in their instruction. It includes performance in seatworks, homeworks, reviews, drills, exercises, games, recorded but not graded quizzes, etc. Though not included in the computation of grades, formative assessment must be recorded to keep track of learner’s progress. Summative assessment, on the other hand, may be seen as assessment of learning, which occurs at the end of a particular unit. This form of assessment usually occurs toward the end of a period of learning in order to describe the standard reached by the learner. Summative includes three components: Written Work (WW), Quarterly Assessment (QA) and Performance Task (PT). Summative assessment for each component comes only after substantial formative assessments have been conducted. The following are the steps in computing for the Quarterly Grades:
  • Raw Scores (RS) from all student work are addeed up. This result in the Total Score (TS) for each component, namely Written work, Performance Task, and Quarterly Assessment.
  • The Total Raw Score (TRS) for each component is converted to a Percentage Score (PS) by dividing the TRS by the Highest Possible Score (HPS).
  • Percentage Scores are then converted to Weighted Scores (WS) by multiplying PS by the weight assigned in each component (WC) in each particular subject. As shown in the table below.
  • Weighted Score (WS) = Percentage Score (PS) x Weight of Component (WC)
(Eng, Fil, MTB)
Written Work
Performance Tasks
Quarterly Assessment
20% (10% each for MQA and FQA)

  • The sum of the Weighted Scores in each subject is the Initial Grade (IG).
  • The Initial Grade then will be transmuted using the given Transmutation Table (See Appendix A) to get the Quarterly Grade (QG).
  • The QG for each learning area is written in the report card of the student.

1.4 Material and Other Learning Sources
  1. Textbook
  2. Their environment
  3. Projector
  4. Instructional media

1.5 Measurement and Evaluation System 

The Ateneo Grade School Department adapts the K to 12 Grading System. Assessments come in two types, formative and summativeSummative includes three components: Written Work (WW), Quarterly Assessment (QA) and Performance Task (PT). Written Work (WW) ensures that students are able to express skills and concepts in written formIt may include quizzes, unit or long tests, essays, written reports or outputs whose items are distributed across the Cognitive Process Dimensions. There shall be at least five (5) scores/marks for Written Work component every quarter or grading period. Performance Task (PT) allows learners to show what they know or are able to do in diverse ways. They may create or innovate products or do performance-based tasks. It includes skills demonstration, group presentations, oral work, multimedia presentations, research projects and other written output which allows learners to create or innovate in diverse ways. It gives students opportunities to demonstrate and integrate their knowledge, understanding and skills about topics or lessons learned in a specific real-life situation by performing and/or producing evidence of their learning. There shall be at least one (1) PT in every quarter. However, if there is just one PT in one quarter, it should contain complex or multiple learning targets and it must be given only limited or proportionate credit. Quarterly Assessment is divided into Mid-Quarter Assessment (MQA) and Final Quarter Assessment (FQA). These are in the form of tests that synthesize all the learning skills, concepts, and values learned. The Mid-Quarter Assessment (MQA) covers the first half of the quarter.  In the primary grades, MQA is given to five (5) subjects only, namely: Math, English, Filipino, Science and Araling Panlipunan. The Final Quarterly Assessment (FQA) covers the second half of each quarter. It is given in all subjects.

1.6 Curriculum

The Grade School adapts the K to 12 Curriculum Program. It is an innovative curriculum that aims to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop life-long learners and prepare completers for secondary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

1.7 Teaching Plan

The teaching plan that I will do is to use the game method. Basically elementary school students are happy with playing games. then by using this method, learning that takes place will be fun. The learning media that I will use are talking sticks, word cards, projectors and student textbooks. The media can be used randomly in several meetings. The material that I will teach is about English especially on the topic of prepotition time and preposisition place.

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